Thinking about joining a network?
Questions you need to ask
Before partnering with any sort of aggregator, you need to ask the right questions to fully understand what you can expect from an insurance alliance, network, group, cluster, or franchise.
Get the below questions answered and you will better understand the misconception of book ownership, the relationship with the carriers, and the ongoing tech and coaching support to help you scale your agency.
We look forward to answering these questions for you!
Questions About
Book Ownership
To understand the full value of your hard work and to maximize your retirement plan ask these questions:
- Will I have sub-codes unique to my agency on which only my agency has authority to write business?
- Will I have access to commission and production reports through the insurance company login so I can monitor my production, loss ratio, and commission?
- No one other than me and my contracted employees will be able to view my clients and their information.
- Does the contract state that I can continue working with any and all insurance companies provided that we part ways?
- If we part ways, does the contract state that you will sign a letter releasing my sub-code and send it to the insurance company?
Questions About
Carriers and Compensation
To understand the carrier relationship and how your agency will bring in revenue ask these questions:
- Do I have final say with carrier and vendor selection?
- Do I receive my own subcode with my name only on dec page and do I own that relationship with the carrier?
- Are commissions received directly from insurance carriers?
- Are commissions and new business incentives communicated direct from carriers?
- Am I guaranteed profit share from $1?
Questions About
Coaching and Development
To understand your start-up process and agency growth support ask these questions:
- Do you offer assistance with setting up agency automation?
- Do you offer assistance with establishing a dominant online presence?
- Do you offer sales coaching and new producer/CSR training?
- Do you offer assistance with staffing strategy, interview process, and employment contracts?
- Do you have outsource solutions for rating and marketing?
Questions About
Technology and Marketing
To understand your tech stack integrations and access ask these questions:
- Pipeline management
- Home and Auto Rating
- Carrier download
- Calendar scheduling
- Phone, Text, Email, and eSign documentation
- Am I listed as sole admin on all tech solutions?
- Does anyone other than me and those I provide have authority to access my tech stack and client files?
Ready to talk?
All “Members” with VIAA are our Business Partners. We have mutually beneficial goals we work toward. For an agency to thrive, it is in everyone’s best interest to openly communicate and to be fully transparent.